City building Plans
"The City of Calgary is updating plans that will shape the Calgary of the future and make sure our city keeps on being a great place to live. We want to hear from you."

"The City Building program will produce the Calgary Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Street Manual. All three of these documents will work together seamlessly to create a clear, concise and central 30-year vision and 10-year action plan for Calgary’s future.
The Calgary Plan will merge the Municipal Development Plan with the Calgary Transportation Plan into one updated document. This statutory plan will guide the way we move and use land across the city.
The new Zoning Bylaw (currently called the Land Use Bylaw) will simplify the rules that govern the use of land and the form of buildings in the city.
The new Street Manual (currently called the Complete Streets Policy & Guide) will provide updated direction for the design of Calgary’s streets to support safe travel options for all Calgarians.
The City of Calgary is making a plan to shape the Calgary of the future—and make sure our city keeps on being a great place to live. First, we want to hear from you."
"The City of Calgary is updating plans that will shape the Calgary of the future—and make sure our city keeps on being a great place to live. We want to hear from you.
Phase 1 public engagement for the City Building program has now begun. Click through the tabs below to participate using these online tools:
Survey - Share your thoughts and experiences about Calgary Today, Today's Challenges, Moving Around Calgary, and Final Thoughts about our work.
Map: Places You Go - Share the places you visit regularly, in your community and across the city.
Map: Ways We Move - Share the places you wish you could get to using your preferred way of travelling (walk, bike, transit, drive, etc.)."
Engagement will be open through December 3, 2023 for Phase 1.
In-person Pop-ups
Saturday, November 25 from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM at Brookfield Residential YMCA at Seton (4995 Market Street SE)
Tuesday, November 28 from 4:30 - 8:30 PM at Days Inn by Wyndham Calgary South (3828 Macleod Trail South) in cooperation with the West Elbow Communities Local Area Planning Project
Wednesday, November 29 from 4:00 - 7:00 PM at MNP Community & Sports Centre (2225 Macleod Trail SE)
Thursday, November 30 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM At Varsity Community Association (4303 Varsity Drive NW) in cooperation with the South Shaganappi Communities Local Area Planning Project