Frequently asked questions
1. Is the Rio Can redevelopment of Glenmore Landing a done deal? NO. The Change of Land Use Agreement still needs to be approved by City Council. Rio Can still needs input from the community through the Open House on October 25th at Heritage Park. After the Open House Rio Can must also collect comments from surrounding Community Associations, specifically PBP CA, Haysboro CA and CKE CA. Contact your community association and make sure your they understand your concerns about this development.
2. How big will the development be? Rio Can’s application includes 1213 units within 6 high rise towers up to 25 stories each and 3 high rise towers for commercial mixed-use with an additional 709 units. Rio Can forecasts 4,228 residents (and how many dogs?) and an additional 300 on-site workers.
3. Can the road network on 90th Ave SW and 14th St SW support this increased traffic? NO. There are two driveways currently serving the site with no more proposed (or physically possible). The easterly driveway on 90th Ave allows for right in/right out movements. The westerly driveway (signal lights at Jerusalem Rd) allows for one left turn lane onto 90th Avenue eastward and one lane for straight through and right turns. This intersection is already congested during certain times of the day. It is unrealistic to add an anticipated 3000+ people to this location (RioCan’s forecast combining anticipated residents and workers). With the increased residences and commercial development there will be increased commuter traffic, delivery vehicles, taxis, visitors, plus the intensified commercial traffic shopping trips, restaurant users and large daily transport and delivery trucks. We do not expect the internal roadways and existing driveways to function. We have asked our Ward 11 councillor for RioCan’s Traffic Impact Assessment (submitted to City Planners in early July) but have yet to receive it.
4. How is the City selling off parklands without community engagement? We have asked our Ward 11 Councillor this question many times and are still waiting for a response.
5. How will Glenmore Reservoir Parklands be affected? Anticipate a lot of construction noise and diminished air quality during a 15 year build out. Lasting effects will include shading, noise and unsightly looming towers. The development will create areas of extreme congestion and over utilization within the park that will drive away wild life and impede cycling traffic on bike paths. No Hydrogeological or Environmental impact studies have been completed.
6. Doesn’t the JCC also have plans for an expansion? Yes. The Jewish Federation is fundraising to expand at the 90th Av and 16th St location (sharing traffic intersection with Glenmore Landing). This expansion has already been rezoned and approved by the City. The expansion includes: 2 additional seniors residences, a school (nursery to grade 9, total 440 students) a synagogue and community gathering space for up to 500 people.